At a Glance:
- Magnesium Sulfate
- Soaking Aid
- Saline Laxative
- Resealable Bag
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Products at a great value.
LEADER™ products are on average 30% less than their national brand equivalent.*
Quality and Efficacy.
LEADER™ products meet or exceed FDA quality standards and have the same active ingredients as their national brand OTC counterparts
Product Benefits
- Leader Epsom Salt has a variety of uses, including relaxing sore muscles, relieving pain, and reducing inflammation
- Dissolve in water to create a soothing soak for the skin or add to a warm bath for a relaxing and rejuvenating experience
- Epsom salt can also be used to promote healthy plants, as the magnesium and sulfate can be absorbed through the roots to provide nutrients
- It is a natural alternative to synthetic chemicals and can be used safely on a variety of plants