Refuge Medical Adventure Kit 3.0
The Adventure Kit 3.0 is an American-made bag designed to meet the needs of families and groups of adventurers off the beaten path. The Adventure Kit combines the proven components of the BearFAK 3.0 with provisions for fractures, wound closure, exposure, and more. From boo-boos to broken bones, to bullet holes, to burns, the Adventure First Aid Kit 3.0 has got you covered.
The American-made bag is guaranteed forever.
- 7 1/4" Trauma Shears
- Halo Chest Seals (2Pk)
- 28 Fr Nasopharyngeal Airway
- 6" OLEAS Modular Dressing (ETD)
- 5" x 9" Abdominal Pad (3)
- Compressed Gauze
- Survival Blanket
- Commitee on TCCC recommended Windlass Tourniquet
- Hemostatic Gauze
- 1oz Eye Wash
- Slishman Pressure Bandage
- 2" Cohesive Bandage
- 3” Ace Bandage
- 2" Duct Tape
- 1" x10 yds Medical Tape
- 36”Flat SAM Splint
- Finger Splints (5pk)
- Mole Skin (5 Sheets)
- Gloves, pair (3)
- Oral Rehydration Salts (2)
- Steri-Strips Assorted, Sheet (4)
- Permanent Marker
- Triple Antibiotic 1oz Tube
- Hydrocortisone 1oz Tube
- Splinter Out
- Skin Stapler & Remover
- Liquid Skin (10pk)
- 4" x 4" Burn Dressings (2)
- Burn Gel Tube
- Glucose Tube
- Sharp Shuttle
- Compression Bandage
- Bandaid Bag (See contents below)
- Trauma Pack (See contents below)
- Gauze Pack (See contents below)
- OTC Wipes Pack (See contents below)
- OTC Medicine Pack (See contents below)
- Adventure Wipes (See contents below)
- Fingertip Band-Aid (10)
- Knuckle Band-Aid (10)
- 1”x3” Band-Aid (10)
- Triangular Bandage
- 5" x 9" Abdominal Pad (3)
- Compressed Gauze
- Survival Blanket
- Antiseptic Towelette (6)
- 3" Rolled Gauze
- Flat Duct Tape
- 4”x 4” Gauze Pad (2)
- 2” x 2” Gauze Pad (2)
- Eye Pad (2)
- Eye Shield
- 4" x 4" Gauze (5)
- 2" x 2" Gauze (5)
- 3" x 3" Gauze (5)
- 2" x 3" Gauze (5)
- Eye Shield (2)
- Eye Pads (2)
- Ibuprofen (7)
- Aspirin (7)
- Acetaminophen (7)
- Alcohol Wipes (10)
- Antiseptic Towelettes (10)
- Burn Gel (10)
- Iodine Wipes (10)
- Sting Relief Wipes (10)
- Triple Antibiotic Gel (10)
- Sunscreen lotion (4)
- Insect Repellent Towelette (4)
- Poison Ivy & Oak Cleanser Towelette (4)
- Hand Sanitizer (4)
- 8"X8"X13"
- 5LBS 3OZ